Less Talk, More Action: Practical Tips to Make Insight More Inclusive
With lots of recent talk across the research industry about the need be more inclusive, we’ve put together some practical tips for both agencies and clients on how to achieve this.
BOOM! The explosion in digital ethnography
It is no longer just the young who are comfortable with digital tools and practices. During the global pandemic, those previously reluctant to engage have embraced technological advancement. Where there is a need for closeness with research participants and to understand real world behaviour over time, digital ethnography is now a viable and desirable alternative to traditional qualitative methods.
Shopping, cooking and eating: how a pandemic reshaped our habits
With more meals being eaten at home than ever before, for some, mealtimes are an opportunity to be adventurous and have something to look forward to at the end of the day. For others, the pressure to find something everyone in the household will eat while aiming to meet expectations of it also being ‘healthy’, tasty and something Instagramable means mealtimes are a chore. Find out how shopping, cooking and eating habits have changed in recent times.
‘Social yet separate’ viewing. Is this the new normal for content consumption?
Audiences are increasingly engaging in ‘social yet separate’ viewing where members of the same household watch different content whilst in the same room. The TV screen in the front room is no longer the sole hub for all content and hasn’t been for some time. But that doesn’t mean that households aren’t still watching ‘together’. It’s just that the definition of ’together’ is shifting somewhat.
Online learning is thriving in unpredictable times
Communicating and learning online has seen exponential growth as we’re forced to overcome previously held fears or beliefs about the use of technology within certain sectors or with some audiences. With increasing numbers of people learning online, what can brands learn?
Water awareness week: do UK consumers value water?
As we enter Water Awareness week, we share some insight from recent conversations with consumers about the value they place on water in the UK.
Through times of adversity we’re forced to think differently
This unprecedented global scenario is a genuine opportunity for brands to evaluate processes, procedures, the impact they’re having and build a more sustainable brand. Being sustainable is no longer an issues being raised by Millennials and Gen Z, it is an issue for everyone.
Digital natives: understanding Gen Z
Gone are the times when we could talk generally about youth culture. In fact, we have found that the mindsets of Generation Y (Millennials) and Generation Z are poles apart. Here we explain how Gen Z are different and how brands need to understand those differences to engage these audiences.
Exploring the role of women in cultures globally
Through considering the role of women in different societies and cultures globally, now and through the ages, one thing is apparent: regardless of circumstance or societal structure they find themselves in, women continue to provide be the foundation of any culture and will continue to influence and shape society in whatever way they can.
Love around the world
As we approach Valentine’s Day, we’ve been turning our minds to how different cultures celebrate and express love and affection. Read more to discover in which country it is tradition to give a statue of a pig.
Predicting Consumer Trends for 2020
One month into 2020 and at the start of Britain’s official exit from the European Union, we are looking at the changing behaviour of consumers and considering what trends we think will emerge this year. Here we summarise three trends we predict will emerge and grow this year.
Chinese New Year: capturing the golden audience
Chinese New Year is one of the three key mass market events of the year for Chinese consumers in the UK and worldwide. Due to the sheer scale of the event and the huge boost to the economy, British brands are increasingly recognising the need to mark this important occasion.
Christmas 2019: winners and losers in this year’s festive fare
Cute animated characters? Check. Acoustic versions of old standards? Check. Slow motion footage of a bronzed turkey being carried to table? Check.
Do you want to be in my #squad?
Can Influencers be trusted if they’re being paid or apply to be part of an exclusive club? Having lost trust in celebrity endorsements, we ask if Influencers are the solution.
Exploring beauty trends at Glamour Beauty Festival 2019
A journey into the wonders of the Glamour Beauty Festival 2019, highlighting new trends to look forward to in the beauty and wellness industry.
What’s gurgling? Listen to your gut.
Last week Excel was home to a huge showcase of food and drink products from around the globe. We explore the food and drink trends from IFE 2019.
The rise of the conscious consumer
‘Veganuary’, zero-waste, rewear, reuse and recycle. We explore how brands are looking to appeal to the ever increasing conscious consumer.
That may be a size 12, but is it my size? The transformative power of personalisation in fashion
Increasingly brands are communicating in a more personalised way to engage with their customers. We explore the transformative power of personalisation in the fashion industry.
Fortifying food and drink to book our health and other trends from Food Matters Live
Exploring all the food and drink trends from Food Matters Live we see what we can expect in our glasses, on our plates and in our waste and recycling for 2019.
The time is up. Hotly anticipated Christmas adverts all out.
Cute kids, vegetables in danger, villainous creatures, the preciousness of tradition and of course, Elton John.